Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist
Much of the following information was sent previously via email to the Regional Offices, via previous e-newsletters (Tennessee 4-H Ideas), and discussed via camp planning meetings.
Junior 4-H Camp – Resources to help counties prepare for camp are posted. Camping groups should select and train teen and adult leaders, as well as work with the 4-H centers in formulating camp agendas and selecting educational activities. The base camp fee is $281.
4-H Jr. High Adventure Camp – Development of camp agendas and themes and selection of educational activities have been occurring through the regions in cooperation with the 4-H centers. In addition, regional camping groups should select and train teen and adult leaders. Regional planning committees should check with 4-H centers for the base camp fee. Counties should make Jr. High Adventure Camp a priority as a way to “keep the flame alive,” and grow your county 4-H program. 4-H Jr. High Adventure Camps have been extremely creative and fun, thanks to our Regional Planning Committees! Don’t let your Jr. High 4-H members miss out on this wonderful experience.
4-H Electric Camp (University of Tennessee-Knoxville, June 25-28) – Electric Camp is a fun-filled, rewarding adventure in electricity held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The camp features learning centers staffed by electric utility professionals. Each learning center will use hands-on activities that allow the 4-H members to learn by doing. Camp Assistants will be chosen by May 16. Housing will be in Magnolia Hall on the UTK Campus. For more information, visit the Electric Camp Website.
Personal Electronic Devices for Junior Camp, Jr. High Camp, and Electric Camp
Mobile phones are not to be brought to these events by campers. If found, Extension Agents will tell the youth to put the phone out of sight. A 2nd offense will result in the youth being sent home. This is for the safety and security of the youth, and everyone at the event. All phone communication be- tween parent and child should be done through an Extension Agent or Camp Staff.