Ryan Hensley, Executive Director TN 4-H Foundation The Juanita H. Fasola Foundation has announced the availability of mini-grants for the purpose funding educational programs for youth and young adults in…
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director TN 4-H Foundation The Juanita H. Fasola Foundation has announced the availability of mini-grants for the purpose funding educational programs for youth and young adults in…
Carmen Burgos, Extension Specialist Poster Judging has been completed for the State 4-H Poster Art Contest and the winners selected. The following members have state-winning entries. Graeyn Carder – Carter…
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist State judging has been completed for the 2017 beekeeping essay contest conducted by The Foundation for the Preservation of Honey Bees, Inc. Our state winner is…
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist Tennessee 4-H was well represented at the recent Ag Day on the Hill in Nashville. Leaders and supporters gathered recently at the state capitol to promote…