Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

As we gear up for 2021, I hope each of you will enjoy these remaining days of December and focus on the important things in your life. This year has been tough. We have been “stuck” at home and not able to do the normal activities we are most accustomed to. For me, that’s travel. I have almost been lost not getting to visit county 4-H programs and meet with agents, volunteers, and youth face-to-face, but I know that 2021 is going to be (fingers crossed) different.
As I think about the new year and new opportunities, I also want to express my sincerest thanks and appreciation to my work family and my wife. My work family (not all are pictured in the photo) are such a pleasure to work with and put the needs of the 4-H program first each and every day! These folks work tirelessly and give so much of themselves. My wife Julie, whom I met when we were in 4-H, makes lots of sacrifices throughout the year as I spend lots of nights and weekends travelling or attending zoom conferences.
This Holiday season, be sure to spend time with friends and family (whether that’s face to face or virtually) and make sure you tell them what they mean to you.