What’s Next?

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Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

There seems to be a level of excitement in the air for high school seniors this time of year. They are winding down their secondary career and making plans for the next step. For some, it’s off to college. For others, perhaps a trade school. Some may prefer to go directly into the workforce. For all, though, it’s important to remember that while their high school career is drawing to a close, this is only the first chapter in their book.

There are so many opportunities for youth as they graduate out of the program. For example, many universities offer collegiate 4-H programs. For those that don’t, I would encourage them to contact the 4-H agent in the county where the campus is and perhaps get one started. For those going directly into the workforce, what an amazing opportunity to volunteer with 4-H. I don’t know of a single county 4-H program that could not use a few more 4-H volunteers. For me, one of my favorite parts of my job is working with and advising the UTK Collegiate 4-H/FFA club.

If your senior high 4-H members are sad that their 4-H time is ending, please remind them that it’s not. In fact, it’s only just beginning.