Carlee Cowan, Lincoln County National Champion, Prepared Public Speaking Contest I walked briskly from the crowded room; my heart still soar- ing and my tears still drying from the joy…
Carlee Cowan, Lincoln County National Champion, Prepared Public Speaking Contest I walked briskly from the crowded room; my heart still soar- ing and my tears still drying from the joy…
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist Each delegate attending Tennessee 4-H Congress is asked to write an essay of no more than 500 words on the 2018 theme: “Tennessee 4-H: Branching…
Tennessee 4-H has been invited to have a booth at the 42nd annual NWTF Convention and Sport Show, February 16-18, 2018 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee. This is the same activity we did last year, with much success. The dates for the 4-H booth will be February 16, 17, and 18.
It has been a brutal week for Tennessee weather. Many of our Extension offices have been closed or operating on limited schedules due to the snow, ice, and lower than…
Denver, Colorado – More than 1000 youth from more than 33 states including Alberta, Canada attended the Western National Roundup January 4-7, 2018 in Denver, CO. The Conference, now in its 98th year, is held annually in early January, coinciding with the National Western Stock Show.
Deadline: January 31, 2018 Applications are being accepted now through the end of January for Farm Credit Mid-America’s Customer Agricultural Scholarship. More than 30 students who are children or grandchildren…
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation The Tennessee 4-H Foundation has posted the 4th quarter payouts to the associated expense ac- counts as of January 10, 2018. You can…
Joseph L. Donaldson, PhD, Assistant Professor Understanding Extension and land-grant history has been identified as an important topic in various studies of Extension professional competencies, including the 4-H Professional Research,…
Dr. Richard Clark, Assistant Dean and Department Head For the fifth year, Tennessee 4-H has sent delegates to participate in the Public Speaking competition at Western National Roundup. This year…