Dr. Richard Clark The 2018 Tennessee 4-H State Horse Championship kicks off on Monday June 18 at the Celebration Grounds in Shelbyville and concludes on Saturday, June 23. Horse is…
Dr. Richard Clark The 2018 Tennessee 4-H State Horse Championship kicks off on Monday June 18 at the Celebration Grounds in Shelbyville and concludes on Saturday, June 23. Horse is…
Jennie L. Ivey, Ph.D., PAS; Assistant Professor and Extension Equine Specialist During the last weekend of February, youth from the three regions of Tennessee gathered in Knoxville to compete at…
Dr. Richard Clark November 4-5, thirteen 4-H Horse Project members represented Tennessee at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup. Eastern Nationals is the highest level educational contest within 4-H, and…
Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist Thirty-six Tennessee 4-H horse project members recently returned from a successful trip to the 2017 Southern Regional 4-H Horse Championships in Perry, Georgia, Au- gust 2-6.…
Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist The 2017 State 4-H Horse Judging Contest was held June 19 at the National Walking Horse Celebration in Shelbyville. The contest is part of the State…
Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist The 2017 Tennessee State 4-H Horse Bowl, Hippology, and Communications Con- tests were held February 24 and 25 at Brehm Animal Science Building on the cam-…