Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist A Great Opportunity to Recognize your Volunteers! Volunteers are at the heart of 4-H. The are making a difference in communities across the state and…
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist A Great Opportunity to Recognize your Volunteers! Volunteers are at the heart of 4-H. The are making a difference in communities across the state and…
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist Elaine Lovelace, Fayette County ”I love working with 4-H kids and I have seen what 4-H can do for our youth. My grandson Wyatt is…
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist Kathy Finley, 4-H Extension Agent, Robertson County ” Undoubtedly, we would not have some of the programs that we have now without volunteer involvement.” Kathy…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist The online 4-H Camp Volunteer Training program has been moved to K@te. For those who have an account (UT or non-UT) they can login to this…
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist ““I enjoy seeing the girls that I work with use their own creativity to make their project special.” Anne Proctor has been a 4-H Volunteer…
If you are like me, at some point in your year, you ask yourself, “Is all this promotion, marketing, long hours, and preparation worth it? Does anyone even notice?”
Denise Routzahn is a former 4-H member from Robertson County. As a 4-H member, she was an Honor Club member, an All –Star and a Vol state recipient. Her projects work included public speaking, arts and crafts, citizenship and leadership, plus participated on several judging teams.
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist A new addition! Vol Spotlight We have outstanding 4-H volunteer leaders throughout the state of Tennessee involved in growing future leaders and expanding learning opportunities…
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist If you are looking for a place to learn, make friends and attend great workshops the 4-H Volunteer Conference for Southern States is the place…