Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader
Many of you woke up this morning to snow and ice, and are now “stuck” at home. Others woke up late because they get the day off. For most people, I hope, they woke up today with a sense of pride….in being an American!
Friends, we live in the greatest country in the world. We have freedoms that many of our fellow humans wish they had. We are part of a society where free speech is not only allowed, but encouraged. While the last several months have been stressful for many, let us celebrate the fact that we are part of not only the greatest nation but also the greatest youth development program in the world.

Happy President’s Day to you! Whether you’re working from home, sledding with your family, or in the office conducting business as usual, take just a moment to pause and count your blessings! I am reminded of a Jerry Clower’s stories which ended with this,
“two bits, four bits, six bits, a dollar. All for America, stand up and holler!”

The online blog can be found here: The Great Comeback, Volume 21, Issue 5