Brigitte Passman, Tipton County 4-H Agent and County Director
Red Ribbon week activities took place at Crestview Middle School in Covington, TN. The entire school went through our activities last week that included four stations set up in the gym.
One station was led by Drug Free Tipton where they had three plates of a white substances (baking soda, cornstarch, and powder sugar), youth were asked to guess which plate would form a reaction to the vinegar. The baking soda was the only substance that formed a reaction which was related back to our bodies and how each body is different and how we shouldn’t take other medicines that are not prescribed to us as it could cause a chemical reaction that could be deadly.
Station two was led by the gym teacher who led the students through various activities using the impairment goggles.
Station three was take a deep breath that was led by the Tipton County Health Educator with the Tipton County Health department and Tipton County Extension Family Consumer Science agent. This station youth learned the effects of smoking by breathing through a regular straw, coffee straw, and jumbo straw.
Station four was related to stress where youth made their own stress balls and talked about other ways to relieve their stress and the causes of their stress.
Several organizations participated to bring these interactive stations to life. Drug Free Tipton, Tipton County Health Educator from the Tipton County Health Department, the Boys and Girls Club program director, and the school’s gym teacher were involved and led the stations as needed throughout the week. It was a great Red Ribbon week!