Leaders Today
Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader I often hear that 4-H members are tomorrow’s leaders. Well, that’s not untrue. They are, though, leaders today. Tennessee 4-H provides young…

State Staff Welcomes Ashley Briggs
Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader On September 1, the state 4-H office welcomed Ashley Briggs as the business manager for Tennessee 4-H and the Tennessee 4-H Foundation. Here…

Curriculum Corner
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist Camp Steering Committee Members Needed Attending 4-H Camp is one of the ways that young members become career 4-H members. Youth are drawn…

Registration Now Open for Fall 2022 B.E.S.T. Training
The 2022 training dates for fall Leg Two (Presentation) portion of B.E.S.T. (Building Exceptionally Skilled Teachers) have been set. Registration is now open in K@TE. Visit https://kate.tennessee.edu/ and search for…

4-H Delivers – 2022
Christie Henderson, Extension Assistant The 4-H Delivers Program is an opportunity to grow county funds through an end-of-year campaign letter. The letter and customized insert will be created and mailed…