Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader

I recently had the opportunity to travel to middle TN for the TN Agriculture Industry Partners Meeting. This all-day conference brought together industry leaders from all aspects of the agricultural industry. In addition to joining other members of the UT Extension administrative team, we also invited eight members of our UTK Collegiate 4-H/FFA club. Throughout the day, the speakers mentioned and even highlighted youth engagement in agriculture. This level of excitement on the part of our leadership makes feel good about the future of 4-H youth development and its relevance in agriculture.

A few perks of attending the meeting included the opportunity to visit with TN Farm Bureau Federation Leadership, hear from the new Comptroller of the Treasury and a visit with Governor Lee, a Tennessee 4-H alum. Attending his meeting reminded me that we really are all in this together. We have so many program partners who are committed to 4-H youth development. The future is bright.

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." – Henry Ford
The online blog can be found here: The Great Comeback, Volume 21, Issue 5