Glenn Turner, Extension Agent Dear Extension Family and Friends, As you know this has been a trying year for many in Sevier County with the wildfires of November 28, 2016.…
Glenn Turner, Extension Agent Dear Extension Family and Friends, As you know this has been a trying year for many in Sevier County with the wildfires of November 28, 2016.…
Ben Powell There will again be a fleece show for 4-H and FFA members at the 2017 Tennessee Junior Sheep Exposition. Prize money and awards will be provided by Kim…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist Every year, county reporters are selected from each county’s delegation to Tennessee 4- H Congress. Their job is to write about and report their Congress experience…
More than 150 junior high 4-H members spent several days recently on the UTIA campus for 4-H Academic Conference. This event, which brings together 4-H members in six- teen different projects, provides youth with the opportunity to learn more about their 4-H project.
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist A special thank you to all agents who encouraged their 4-H members to submit photos for the Photo Search Contest. This year we had 144…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist The state 4-H wildlife judging contest was held Crossville on June 15. The contest is sponsored by TWRA and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. The…
Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist The 2017 State 4-H Horse Judging Contest was held June 19 at the National Walking Horse Celebration in Shelbyville. The contest is part of the State…
Dr. Richard Clark This Tuesday we will celebrate the July 4th holiday. It became an official national holiday in 1941. The holiday is a celebration of the Declaration of Independence…
Carmen G. Burgos, Extension Specialist The State 4-H Dairy Judging Contest will be held on August 24, 2017, at the WilsonCounty Fair Grounds. This contest is for senior high teams…