Dr. Richard Clark The State 4-H Office often shares both food and thoughts to keep our spirits high. This was shared this week by Dr. Joseph Donaldson. I thought it…
Dr. Richard Clark The State 4-H Office often shares both food and thoughts to keep our spirits high. This was shared this week by Dr. Joseph Donaldson. I thought it…
Dr. Thomas Broyles, Extension Program Leader TSU A committee has been reviewing the rules and score cards for the Junior, Junior High and Senior Division Public Speaking Contest. At this…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist State 4-H Fall Judging Day was held on Satur- day, October 7, 2017 at the University of Tennessee agriculture campus in Knoxville. A total of 37…
Charles Denney, Producer, UTIA Marketing & Communications KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Of the four “H’s” in 4-H – head, heart, hands and health – it was his heart that he gave…
Dr. Richard Clark On September 27, the 4-H Camp Managers met with Extension Ad-ministration to reflect on the 2017 camping season and make plans for summer 2018. The camps continue…
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist We believe Honor Club is a good measure of a quality teen pro- gram. A county cannot have Honor Club members if there are not a…
Photo Search Contest is a great activity for youth to share and show skills learned in photography. New procedures are in place for the 2018 Photo Search Contest.