Beech Bend Park
Splash Lagoon
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Tennessee 4-H
Get your 2019 discounted tickets online using the promo code: AGRICULTURE
$29.99 with promo plus tax.
Beech Bend Park
Splash Lagoon
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Tennessee 4-H
Get your 2019 discounted tickets online using the promo code: AGRICULTURE
$29.99 with promo plus tax.
Dwight Loveday, Interim Assistant Dean & Department Head All counties have the opportunity to nominate outstanding 4-H members to receive Tennessee’s high- est level of recognition, the Vol State Award.…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist Each year, county reporters are selected from each county from the pool of delegates to Tennessee 4- H Congress. Upon their arrival to Congress, the reporters…
Educators are again campaigning the value of experiential learning. A new wave for learning for our students. In 4-H we have been practicing experiential for many years; our 4- H slogan is “learn by doing”. This week at Academic Conference I saw a lot of experiential leaning. I saw a lot science. I also saw a lot of fun learning by our 4-H participants!