Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist The Don Bowman All Star Service Award recognizes county All-Star groups for their most outstanding service project. This year, 33 counties submitted Don Bowman All Star Service…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist The Don Bowman All Star Service Award recognizes county All-Star groups for their most outstanding service project. This year, 33 counties submitted Don Bowman All Star Service…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist The Peggy Davis Service Award recognizes county 4-H All Star groups for their completion of the most service hours throughout the year. This year 40 counties…
Join us via Zoom on August 26 as Scott Reese, Extension Specialist, will teach how to build a fire and cook dinner foil packets and dessert packets. (Note these can be made in the oven as well)
Tennessee placed second among nine states that competed in the National 4-H Forestry Invitational, which was virtual this year. The Tennessee 4-H Forestry team members were John Creech, Rachel Creech, Josh Griffith, and Alyssa Ross. The team coach was Shelley Griffith.
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader Many of you have heard me say before that the heart of the 4-H program is in the county. Last week, Dr.…
Tennessee 4-H volunteers were awarded for their dedication to 4-H during the 98th Tennessee 4-H Roundup, July 19-23, 2021 at UT Martin.
Join us via Zoom on August 26 as Scott Reese, Extension Specialist, will teach how to build a fire and cook dinner foil packets and dessert packets. (Note these can be made in the oven as well)
The 2021 Tennessee 4-H Project Achievement Day winners were announced in late July at Tennessee 4-H Roundup and All Star Conference and have been posted on the Tennessee 4-H website. These 4-H’ers competed alongside approximately 150 other 4-H members across the state in e-portfolio competition and then interviews to receive top honors. Level I winners received Horizon awards and the opportunity to receive a $500 college scholarship. Level Ii winners received silver bowls, a trip to National 4-H Congress in November and college scholarships.