Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, Tennessee 4-H Foundation The Young Alumni Advisory Committee (YAAC) is comprised of eleven young 4-H alumni, between the ages of 18-22 at the time of election,…
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, Tennessee 4-H Foundation The Young Alumni Advisory Committee (YAAC) is comprised of eleven young 4-H alumni, between the ages of 18-22 at the time of election,…
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist This week is exciting for anyone interested in the Computers/Technology project because the Beginner Project Area Guide has been published! This resource, written…
Judging will begin for the 2022 Citizenship and Leadership e-Portfolios on February 2. All entries should be entered by Extension staff into the SUPER2 registration database by 11:59 p.m. on…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist Simmons Named National Impromptu Speaking Champion Simmons Named National Impromptu Speaking ChampionTennessee 4-H members traveled in early January to Denver, Colorado to compete on the national…
Gary Rodgers, Extension Agent III and County Director, Hardeman County Four Hardeman County 4-H members traveled to Denver and Fort Collins, CO January 5-9, 2022 to represent Tennessee in the…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist Ashley has been involved in 4-H since the 4th grade. She is active in the 4-H Honor Club and helps plan and conduct monthly service projects.…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader Congratulations to Jim Jenkins, Hawkins county 4-H member and 2022 State 4-H Council President for being selected as one of eight young…