Daniel Collins, Extension Specialist There will be a joint training for 4-H teen ambassadors at the Clyde York 4-H Center held Friday, December 2nd until December 3rd. If you have…
Daniel Collins, Extension Specialist There will be a joint training for 4-H teen ambassadors at the Clyde York 4-H Center held Friday, December 2nd until December 3rd. If you have…
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist As more and more lesson plans are published, it’s exciting to see these hands-on activities and programming being offered by our Extension specialists…
Scott Reese, 4-H Outdoor Education Specialist UT Lone Oaks Farm hosted the Annual State 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational, where high school 4-H’ers from across Tennessee came together to compete for…
Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader Last week, many of us had the opportunity to celebrate Tennessee 4-H in a variety of ways from proclamations to social media…
Celina Menard, Communications Specialist Last night, Collegiate 4-H and FFA members intended to paint the Rock on the University of Tennessee’s campus to celebrate National 4-H Week. As the students…
Christie Henderson, Extension Assistant The 4-H Delivers Program is an opportunity to grow county funds through an end-of-year campaign letter. The letter and customized insert will be created and mailed…
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist Camp Steering Committee Members Needed Attending 4-H Camp is one of the ways that young members become career 4-H members. Youth are drawn…