Dr. Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor Twelve teams participated in the 2018 Livestock Quiz Bowl held in conjunction with the annual convention of the Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association and Tennessee Dairy Producers…
Dr. Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor Twelve teams participated in the 2018 Livestock Quiz Bowl held in conjunction with the annual convention of the Tennessee Cattlemen’s Association and Tennessee Dairy Producers…
Carlee Cowan, Lincoln County National Champion, Prepared Public Speaking Contest I walked briskly from the crowded room; my heart still soar- ing and my tears still drying from the joy…
Denver, Colorado – More than 1000 youth from more than 33 states including Alberta, Canada attended the Western National Roundup January 4-7, 2018 in Denver, CO. The Conference, now in its 98th year, is held annually in early January, coinciding with the National Western Stock Show.
Dr. Richard Clark, Assistant Dean and Department Head For the fifth year, Tennessee 4-H has sent delegates to participate in the Public Speaking competition at Western National Roundup. This year…
I competed at Western National Roundup in Denver, CO, in Impromptu Public Speaking and Fashion Revue. I thoroughly enjoyed both competitions, and learned a great deal in preparing for each one.
The Weakley County Meats Judging Team recently traveled to Denver, CO to compete in the National Western Stock Show 4-H Meats Judging Contest on January 6, 2018
Melissa Henry, Extension Agent The Putnam County 4-H Consumer Decision Making judging team traveled to Denver, Colorado, National Contest held during the Western National 4-H Roundup. This was the 18th…
Congratulations to the following National Champions these categories: Carlee Cowan, Lincoln County Public Speaking Contest—Prepared Putnam County Consumer Decision Making Hannah Steger Emily Welte Hannah Bernhardt Shelby Mainord Hannah Freeland,…