Join Us For A Classroom on the Couch – Hands-On Activities you can do from home.
Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor Project Area Guides (PAGs) are designed to provide learning activities that guide youth toward mastery of the project area outcomes. They are written at age and…
With kids stuck at home, this is the perfect time to get kids deeply engaged in project work. As you know, most of the project area outcomes are developed and published online.You can find these by clicking on the project tiles from the Tennessee 4-H website’s project page.
Submitted by Jennifer Richards Since we were one of the counties heavily impacted by tornado damage, and an early epicenter of COVID-19 spread, we knew meeting our 4-H kids in-person…
As educators, we are facing an unprecedented experience.There is no doubt that the current situation will significantly impact how we do our jobs. As schools move to out-of-school and online instruction, club meetings will be suspended.
Curriculum Corner Jennifer Richards Just a reminder that this month’s Curriculum Chat is scheduled for Wednesday, January 8 (tomorrow!) from 12:30 – 1:00 (Eastern time). Be sure to register for…
Jennifer Richards Due to an unavoidable conflict, the Curriculum Chat scheduled for Thursday, November 21 has been canceled. I look forward to chatting with you all on January 8 at…