Shaping the Future Together: Volume 22, Issue 16
Waves of Innovation

Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader Recently, members of the regional and state 4-H staff as well as friends from Family and Consumer Sciences traveled to Jekyll Island,…
Shaping the Future Together: Volume 22, Issue 13
Boks Kids Monthly Challenge – April, Week 1
4-H Delivers – 2022
Curriculum Corner

Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist Coming Soon! Last week was spent at the Southern Region Biennial Conference where Tennessee 4-H Specialists networked with other states’ specialists, learned what…
Shaping the Future Together: Volume 22, Issue 14
Mary Gauerke—2022 Salute to Excellence 4-H Volunteer of the Year

The National 4-H Salute to Excellence Volunteer Recognition Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who demonstrate exemplary service to 4-H, while promoting service through volunteerism as both an opportunity and a privilege.
Terry Hallum—2022 Recipient of the Tennessee 4-H Outstanding Lifetime Volunteer Award

The National 4-H Salute to Excellence Volunteer Recognition Award recognizes 4-H volunteers who demonstrate exemplary service to 4-H, while promoting service through volunteerism as both an opportunity and a privilege.