Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader Congratulations to Jim Jenkins, Hawkins county 4-H member and 2022 State 4-H Council President for being selected as one of eight young…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader Congratulations to Jim Jenkins, Hawkins county 4-H member and 2022 State 4-H Council President for being selected as one of eight young…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader This past weekend I had the opportunity to travel to Cookeville to attend the State Jr. Swine Show where 4-H and FFA…
Shelby Brawner, Extension Specialist Our guest, Lynne Middleton, Extension Specialist, will join Shelby Brawner teaching four different soup recipes and sides on January 25 at 6 p.m. Eastern / 5…
The SUPER2 registration has been opened for agents and/or county staff to register attendees. Registration will close on February 11. Contact Christie Henderson if you have questions. Want to see…
Several of you have inquired as to how to submit your 4-H’ers’ scholarship applications that are due in the next few weeks. Scholarship applications are still due March 1, 2021.
There is more information and the scholarship website in the article.
Hello all, information for the 2021 Virtual Swine Event has been posted to the swine project page. We are pleased to be working with Virtual Stock Show to host this event. I have reviewed the entry form and it is clear and straightforward. I appreciate you encouraging and assisting youth in your county/chapter to participate in this virtual swine event.
Please join me in congratulating the Tennessee teams who competed this past week at the first-ever 4-H Virtual Contest hosted by Utah State University Extension. A total of 387 youth contestants from 29 different state competed 15 different contests during the three-day virtual event.
Several of you have inquired as to how to submit your 4-H’ers’ scholarship applications that are due in the next few weeks. Scholarship applications are still due March 1, 2021.
There is more information and the scholarship website in the article.
Join the weekly Burst healthy living challenges from BOKS kids.
Get moving with Board Games this week. Download our new BOKS “Are You Game?” booklet andget moving with board games. Pick out your favorites or make up your own but make sure you integrate movement into any game you try. The challenge: pick a different game for every day of the week and get moving.