The Great Comeback: Volume 21, Issue 18

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Thank a Teacher

Thank a Teacher

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my job? I enjoy the unique challenges that each day presents. Some weeks, however, are a tad rougher than others. And sometimes, I just need a break. We all need that. This past weekend, I enjoyed a “break” with members of our UTK Collegiate 4-H/FFA club, a group I have advised since 2008.

Fleece Show 2021

Fleece Show 2021

Tennessee Sheep Producers Association (TSPA) is pleased to announce the 2021 Fleece Show will be held at Sheep Expo. Sheep exhibitors are encouraged to save their best fleece from the spring shear to enter in the contest. Prizes will be awarded for the Grand and Reserve Fleeces.

Boks Kids Weekly Challenge

Boks Kids Weekly Challenge

Focus on your breath. Deep breathing is one of the fastest ways we can help ourselves feel calm-whether that’s by helping us catch our breath after running around with friends, or if we are having trouble focusing on classwork. This week we challenge you to try a different breathing activity each day of the week to help you feel calm. Start with a simple count of breathing in for five seconds and out for five seconds. Continue for three minutes. How do you feel?