It Matters
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader It is very easy for us to become complacent and take things for granted. Oftentimes when we have done the same programs…

2021-2022 STATE 4-H COUNCIL
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist Congratulations to the newly elected 2021-2022 Tennessee 4-H State Council. This group of high school 4-H members will help guide and plan for the next year…

Johnson / Goddard Family wins Brown/Gilliam Family Legacy Award
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation 4-H has served generations of youth in Tennessee. For more than 100 years, we have been making the best better. The Brown /…

Charcuterie Board Demo
Join Julie Johnson Crowe, 4-H Volunteer & Outdoor Meat Cookery Coach for a cooking demo on July 15 from 6-7PM Eastern. On the menu for the evening is grilled chicken, veggie shish-ka-bobs and grilled corn.

Tractor Supply Paper Clover Campaign: October 6-17, 2021
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation The Fall Tractor Supply Paper Clover promotion runs from October 6-17. The digital promotional assets for the Fall 2021 TSC Paper Clover campaign…

Boks Kids Monthly Challenge – September
BOKS Kids monthly fitness calendar for September that includes a guide that will help you with Back to School!

Boks Kids Weekly Challenge – September Week 1
Practicing gratitude is an important piece of mindfulness. Gratitude helps us tap into positive emotions and experiences, improves our health, helps us
overcome adversity, and builds strong relationships. This week we challenge you to write down three things every day that you are grateful for. At the end of the week, review your list and consider sharing it with a friend or family member. How did it make you feel to be grateful every day?

Make it with Wool Contest Held at the Wilson County/Tennessee State Fair
Tennessee Sheep Producers Association held the 2021 Make it with Wool contest at the Wilson County/Tennessee State Fair on August 21, 2021. Congratulations go out to Callie Smith, of New…