Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader I am excited to share that our search for the position of Extension Specialist focused on 4-H citizenship, leadership, and teen programs…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader I am excited to share that our search for the position of Extension Specialist focused on 4-H citizenship, leadership, and teen programs…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader This past weekend, I had the pleasure of working with my final 4-H All Star High Council meeting as the state 4-H…
I am pleased to share the 4-H logo/theme with you all. Sometime back, you all were given the theme for the year: The Great Comeback. Now, we have the official logo to go along with that. Of course, it can be used with social media, will be the 4-H Congress theme, etc. Use it as you like!
Poster entries from each region are due to the state office by March 15 for the 2021 Poster Art Contest. Counties should check with their regional office for regional deadlines.
The Tennessee 4-H Volunteer Showcase that was scheduled to happen on February 27, 2021 has been postponed. We are hoping to re-schedule it later in the year.