The Shropshire Starter Flock Award is given out annually by the Junior Shropshire Association and will help to establish one new Shropshire flock every year. The award in 2019 will be a credit voucher of $1,500 which
The Shropshire Starter Flock Award is given out annually by the Junior Shropshire Association and will help to establish one new Shropshire flock every year. The award in 2019 will be a credit voucher of $1,500 which
Aaron Fisher, Extension Specialist 4-H Sheep Conference is scheduled for May 24-25, 2019 at Hyder-Burks Arena in Cookeville, TN. The senior session (for youth in grades 8-12) is Friday, May…
Applications due March 15, 2019. We are pleased to announce that through the generosity and vision of several prominent Shropshire breeders that the Sixth Shropshire Starter Flock Award will be…
Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor There will again be a fleece show for 4-H and FFA members at the 2018 Tennessee Junior Sheep Exposition.There will be a class for each breed…
Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor At the conclusion of 4-H Sheep Conference, the Tennessee Junior Sheep Producers had a short business meeting. The 2018-2019 TJSPA Board was elected. These young producers…
Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor 4-H Sheep Conference is designed for those who want to learn more about the sheep project. The event provides hands on learning experiences, leadership opportunities for…
Applications due April 1st, 2018 We are pleased to announce that through the generosity and vision of several prominent Shropshire breeders that the Fifth Shropshire Starter Flock Award will be…
Applications due April 1st, 2018 We are pleased to announce that through the generosity and vision of several prominent Shropshire breeders that the Fifth Shropshire Starter Flock Award will be…
Dr. Dwight Loveday, Associate Professor Six individuals representing four counties have earned the opportunity to represent Tennessee in the National 4-H Livestock Skillathon Contest hosted by the North American International…