Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist The Tennessee 4-H Beef Industry Council is offering an opportunity exclusively to Tennessee 4-H members. They are sponsoring the annual Savor the Flavor video contest for…
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist The Tennessee 4-H Beef Industry Council is offering an opportunity exclusively to Tennessee 4-H members. They are sponsoring the annual Savor the Flavor video contest for…
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist Every Extension agent should have received communication from Denise Jones at The Dairy Alliance regarding June Dairy Month activities. You can find the letter from Denise…
Aaron Fisher, Youth Livestock and Equine Specialist We have been working to reschedule Beef and Sheep Expos and now have dates for both. Please understand that this is all assuming…
Dwight Loveday, Interim Director and Statewide 4-H Program Lead COVID-19 has been a big disruptor! We had to cancel, reschedule or conduct remotely many of our favorite things to do…
You can enter one or both contests! Winners will be notified by email or Facebook. The top 3 winners in each category will receive prizes. Contest ends 11:50 p.m. May 8, 2020
Dwight Loveday, Interim Director and Statewide 4-H Program Leader Due to the COVID-19 situation, several large live- stock shows have cancelled the shows and associated events. Now there is concern…
Looking for something fun for your child to do at home that promotes agriculture and the beef industry? Check out the Tennessee Beef Industry Council coloring contest information.
Aaron Fisher, Youth Livestock and Equine Specialist Youth from across Tennessee participated in the State 4-H Horse Bowl and Hippology Contests in Knoxville on February 17-18, 2023. County teams qualified…
It’s time to plan for the June dairy Month Promotion Contest sponsored by The Dairy Alliance.
The theme this year is “The Art of Dairy”