Dr. Richard Clark Endless hours are spent working with 4-H members by both staff and volunteers. We often wonder at the end of an especially grueling day … is it…
Dr. Richard Clark Endless hours are spent working with 4-H members by both staff and volunteers. We often wonder at the end of an especially grueling day … is it…
Now is the time to place your order for neck wallets for camp. You may email the state 4-H office at Trudi or call 865-974-2128. They are still $2 each…
The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) had graduation ceremonies on Thursday, May 11, 2017. The 4-H Youth Development/Agriculture Leadership, Education and…
Richard Clark, Assistant Dean Often judging teams travel to contests or small groups of 4-H members travel overnight to an event. Due to the excessive cost of housing 18 yr…
The perfect ingredients for a healthy life were enjoyed by Polk County 5th grade youth, parents, and teachers recently at Healthy Horizons Day Camp held at Polk County 4-H’s Camp McCroy.
Dr. Richard Clark have just been informed that Mr. Steve Sutton was selected for induction into the 2017 National 4-H Hall of Fame. This is the highest honor given by…
Dr. Richard Clark Over the last few months I have been able to visit with over 20 counties via Zoom to find out more about our county 4-H programs. While…
Dr. Richard Clark It is that time of year to nominate outstanding 4-H professionals for the Alice Ann Moore and G.L. Carter, Jr. awards. The overview of the criteria for…
Dr. Richard Clark The “Character Counts” organization has identified 10 traits that are important to everyone. I am proud to say that Tennessee 4-H is instilling these in our outstanding…