
Fall is Full of 4-H Activities

Another busy and exciting week in Tennessee 4-H! 4-H agents are meeting clubs, volunteers teaching “Next Chapter” lessons, preparations being made for shooting sports, planning National 4-H Congress, conducting 4-H agent in service, our Tennessee 4-H Council President flying with the Commissioner of Agriculture to the Sunbelt Ag Expo and Elizabeth Sanders (former TN 4- Her, current extension agent) speaking to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Wow!

It’s Football Time in Tennessee

For most of you reading this, you are anticipating the 2018 season opening kickoff or have started another work week knowing the outcome of the UT-West Virginia game. UT football fans (and most Southeastern Conference fans) are very passionate about their football. On the sports radio show one fan was so anxious that he said he already had his “mouth piece” in and was “rarin” to go!