Swine Saturday
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader This past weekend I had the opportunity to travel to Cookeville to attend the State Jr. Swine Show where 4-H and FFA…

Jim Jenkins Selected for National 4-H Congress Design Team
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader Congratulations to Jim Jenkins, Hawkins county 4-H member and 2022 State 4-H Council President for being selected as one of eight young…

Tennessee 4-H’ers Successfully Compete at Western National 4-H Roundup
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist Simmons Named National Impromptu Speaking Champion Simmons Named National Impromptu Speaking ChampionTennessee 4-H members traveled in early January to Denver, Colorado to compete on the national…

Hardeman County 4-H Members Compete at Western National 4-H Roundup
Gary Rodgers, Extension Agent III and County Director, Hardeman County Four Hardeman County 4-H members traveled to Denver and Fort Collins, CO January 5-9, 2022 to represent Tennessee in the…

4-H Ambassador Spotlight: Ashley Boone, Crockett County
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist Ashley has been involved in 4-H since the 4th grade. She is active in the 4-H Honor Club and helps plan and conduct monthly service projects.…

Registration Now Open for Citizenship and Leadership e-Portfolios!
Judging will begin for the 2022 Citizenship and Leadership e-Portfolios on February 2. All entries should be entered by Extension staff into the SUPER2 registration database by 11:59 p.m. on…

Brown/Gilliam Family Legacy Award – Application Due February 7
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation Thanks to the generosity of George and June Brown of Coffee County the Brown/ Gillam Family Legacy Award Endowment was established to give…

Owning Life Event
We are looking for 25 teens and emerging adults (ages 17-23) to participate in a January event called Owning Life. This three Sunday event will be held at a local…

EPA’s “Companies Crushing Pollution” Video Challenge
Daniel Collins, Extension Specialist The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has launched the “Companies Crushing Pollution” Video Challenge. EPA will award a total of $50,000 in prize money through the video…

Honor Club Applications
Congratulations are in order for all 4-H agents, volunteers and teen leaders who encouraged 4-H’ers to apply for Honor Club membership during this difficult year. A total of 320 4-H’ers were initiated into the Honor Club during the 2020 calendar year.

4-H Professional Development Trainings Abound in February…
and There is Still Time to Register! Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist If you have not signed up for your 2022 4-H in-services, be sure to take advantage of the numerous…

National 4-H Council Seeking Applicants for the Young Alumni Advisory Committee
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, Tennessee 4-H Foundation The Young Alumni Advisory Committee (YAAC) is comprised of eleven young 4-H alumni, between the ages of 18-22 at the time of election,…

Curriculum Corner
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist This week is exciting for anyone interested in the Computers/Technology project because the Beginner Project Area Guide has been published! This resource, written…

Soup Cooking Demo
Shelby Brawner, Extension Specialist Our guest, Lynne Middleton, Extension Specialist, will join Shelby Brawner teaching four different soup recipes and sides on January 25 at 6 p.m. Eastern / 5…

Boks Kids Monthly Challenge – January and Week 3
Week 1 Challenge: Re-energize!
This week we challenge you to find new ways to re-energize yourself throughout the day. Get outdoors and feel the sunshine, drink MORE water, move your body every hour, take a tech break one evening and make sure to eat healthy mini meals throughout the day.

4-H Center Managers Seeking 2022 Camp Staff
The Tennessee Department of Education works with USDA to offer feeding sites traditionally within free and reduced county programs. Since the pandemic, USDA has waived certain restrictions that allow anyone to participate in summer feeding programs. Please complete a short survey about the possibility of utilizing this type of program for your 2021 Summer 4-H programming.

2022 State 4-H Congress Registration is Open
The SUPER2 registration has been opened for agents and/or county staff to register attendees. Registration will close on February 11. Contact Christie Henderson if you have questions. Want to see…