Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor What are project outcomes? As you saw in an email from Marketing and Communications earlier this week, the process of publishing Project Area outcomes has begun.…
4-H Curriculum Corner: What are Project Outcomes?
Current Grant Projects: Giles County [Food Smart Families]
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager FOOD SMART FAMILIES PROGRAM IN GILES COUNTYDarby Payne, Extension Agent The Giles County Food Smart Families program will be working with a middle school to…
2017 Regional Public Speaking Winners Announced
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist Congratulations to the following 4-H’ers for winning the 2017 regional public speaking contests! These 4-H’ers will compete for state honors at 4-H Congress which is scheduled…
Pathways to Deeper Involvement with 4-H
Dr. Richard Clark It’s hard to believe but the end of the school year is rapidly approaching. For many schools spring break is only a week or two away. It’s…
Junior 4-H Camp Theme and Logo
In 2017, 4-Hers will “Follow the Trail.” This is the theme for Tennessee 4-H Junior Camp. The goal of this curriculum is for youth to engage in a journey to…
Summer 4-H Camps Reminder
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Much of the following information was sent previously via email to the Regional Offic- es and previous e-newsletters (Tennessee 4-H Ideas). Junior 4-H Camp – In…
Curriculum Corner: Website Updates
Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor Website Updates It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the curriculum office! As you may have seen, the project page on the state 4-H website…
Current Grant Projects: Morgan County [Health Rocks!]
Sometimes plans do not go as originally thought out, but we in Morgan County are so excited about the benefits of the HealthRocks! program that we are working on a new plan to establish the HealthRocks! curriculum into our Summer Day Camps.
2017 4-H Horse Bowl, Hippology and Communications Contest Champions
Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist The 2017 Tennessee State 4-H Horse Bowl, Hippology, and Communications Con- tests were held February 24 and 25 at Brehm Animal Science Building on the cam-…
New 4-H Center Manager Named
Dr. Richard Clark Congratulations to Mr. Scottie Fillers for being selected as the new Clyde Austin 4-H Center Manager in Greeneville. Scottie will assume his new duties as of May…