Save-the-Date: Tennessee 4-H Funnel Cake 5K Tennessee 4-H Funnel Cake 5K Saturday, September 15, 2018 Tennessee State Fairgrounds More Information To Come
Save-the-Date: Tennessee 4-H Funnel Cake 5K Tennessee 4-H Funnel Cake 5K Saturday, September 15, 2018 Tennessee State Fairgrounds More Information To Come
Cookin’ for Healthier Livin’ Y’all – Recipe Contest
A Tennessee 4-H Cookbook
Do you have great healthy recipes or want to create a healthy recipe? How about sharing those with others for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card? Your recipes will be judged by Tennessee 4-H state Office staff and FCS staff so we can compile healthy and nutritious recipes for 4-H’ers and agents into a free, PDF cookbook.
Sarah Myers is a 12th grace 4-H member who has been very instrumental in the Crockett County Health Rocks! programs. Sarah serves as a Health Rocks! Student Ambassador and has helped with our “Health Rocks! Bash” for the past five years.
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist The bills and resolution to be used in the Know Your Government program at State 4-H Congress have been posted to the website. They can be…
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager Tennessee 4-H had 53 individuals in attendance at the National 4-H Healthy Living Summit in Chevy Chase, Maryland February 16 – February 19, 2018.These individuals…