February 8, 2021 In this Issue
What if you could engage your 4-H members virtually AND have Fun?
Nearpod is just the tool to help you do that!
Heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, but there’s a lot you can do to prevent it.
Taking time to care for your heart can be challenging as you go about daily life. But it’s easier than you
think to show your heart the love it deserves each day. Small acts of self-care, like taking walks, getting
quality sleep, and cooking healthy meals, help your heart. Research shows that self-care can help you
keep your blood pressure in a healthy range and reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke.
Listening skills are a key component of good leadership. This week we challenge you to LISTEN toyour friends and family. Take one hour each day where you just listen to what other people aresaying. Don’t offer up any information other than to listen. See what new things you can learn. If you talk, it should be about the person you are talking to. Ready for more of a challenge? Try this for a WHOLE day!
Information concerning the upcoming 4-H Horse Communication Contests that will be held virtually again this year. Youth are asked to upload their videos to YouTube by May 24, 2021.
The Beekeeping Essay Contest allows 4-H’ers to use their writing and research skills in developing an essay on a beekeeping-related topic. Cash awards are available to winners on the national and state level.
The Tennessee Agriculture Leadership Taskforce, established in 2019 by Dr. Charlie Hatcher, Commissioner for Tennessee Department of Agriculture, is conducting a needs assessment to explore leadership needs in Tennessee agriculture, natural resources, and forestry.
Please participate the current research study because you are involved in an aspect of Tennessee’s agriculture industry. It should take approximately 10 -15 minutes to complete.