Vicki Lofty, Marion County Extension Agent and County Director Attention 4th grade 4-H Club Members… put on your apron, get out your skillet and let your creativity go wild! You…
Vicki Lofty, Marion County Extension Agent and County Director Attention 4th grade 4-H Club Members… put on your apron, get out your skillet and let your creativity go wild! You…
Sarah Keenan, Maury County Extension Agent The Maury County 4-H Family and Consumer Sciences Skillathon team represented Tennessee 4-H at the Western National Roundup in Denver, Colorado. This contest consists…
Thomas Broyles, Extension Program Leader, 4-H Youth Development Youth in 9th through 12th grade are invited to Tennessee State University for an agriscience fair competition with significant cash prizes and…
For the sixth year, Tennessee 4-H has sent delegates to participate in the Public Speaking com- petition at Western National Roundup.This year 5 delegates attended in the following categories: Prepared and Impromptu. It was a delegate from Tennessee that placed first in each division.
Vicki Lofty, FCS/4-H Extension Agent & County Director, Marion County Happy New Year! Once again I want to encourage you to share the information about the 4-H Cornbread Cook-Off with your…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Each year, Council strives to make National Youth Science Day (NYSD) more fun, easier to facilitate, and more impactful in your communities. To do that, they…
Beth Hall The following article was published in Extension News You Can Use, 11/29/18 KNOXVILLE, Tenn. – Tis the season for family gatherings, stockings, presents and holiday baking. But for…
Steve Edwards, Extension Director, Campbell County The Tennessee 4-H Skillathon team represented Tennessee 4-H in the National 4-H Livestock Skillathon Contest at the North American International Livestock Expo in Louisville,…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist Have you registered for all of your 2019 professional development training? If not, be sure to check out “BrainWise”! As 4H agents, you live and breathe…