Dwight Loveday, Interim Assistant Dean & Department Head During the past two weeks, we have had Tennessee 4-Hers participating in national 4-H events at the North American International Livestock Exposition…
Dwight Loveday, Interim Assistant Dean & Department Head During the past two weeks, we have had Tennessee 4-Hers participating in national 4-H events at the North American International Livestock Exposition…
Jennie L. Ivey, Assistant Professor; Extension Equine Specialist Tennessee 4-H was well represented last weekend at the Eastern National 4-H Horse Roundup in Louisville, KY. This national contest is one…
Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor We’ve been busy adding new lesson plans to the website. At this site, you will find 40 lesson plans for 4-5th grade, 35 lessons for grades…
Dan Owen, Extension Agent Lincoln County Lincoln County represented Tennessee at Key- stone Livestock Judging Contest in Harrisburg, PA. The team consisted Juliann Fears, Kendall Martin and Zach Snoddy. The…
The annual 4-H land judging competition, held October 15th at the Highland Rim Forest in Tullahoma, was a huge success! Teams competed from across the state with the Grainger County team walking away the winner! Roane County took second place.
The Pediatric Trauma Injury Prevention Program at Children’s Hospital is launching a new ATV safety initiative to arm high school students with information about ATV usage.
Dan Owen, Extension Agent Lincoln County The Lincoln County 4-H Livestock Quiz Bowl team went to the National Livestock Quiz Bowl Contest that was hosted by the Aksarben Stock Show…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Are you prepared? Check out the latest news regarding 4-H National Youth Science Day. This latest news edition highlights a “how-to” video, which is a sneak…
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager Have you debated or procrastinated but thought you really want to be at the Funnel Cake 5K? It’s not too late! Walk-on’s are welcome!! Registration…