Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist While many of the state Fall Judging contests have been cancelled for this year due to COVID-19, it has been decided that we will host a…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist 2020 Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic UN-Conference Results 81% of 4-H’ers REALLY ENJOYED their academic UN-Conference 70% of 4-Her’s who VERY MUCH enjoyed the daily assignments…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Louisiana has invited Tennessee to take part in a 4-H Virtual Volunteer Conference, on October 9-10, 2020. It is free! Here is some information on the…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist The final data has been calculated from the 2020 Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic UN-Conference. You can find a summary of the results in this issue…
This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to visit TN Tech University to visit with exhibitors, extension staff, and stakeholders at the 2020 Tennessee Youth Sheep Expo.
What is Share the Fun? I am glad you are asking that ques- tion. Share the Fun is 4-H’s version of a talent show. It helps to encourage 4-H youth to display their talents in ex- pressive arts and to develop presentation skills and confi- dence while performing in front of an audience.
In-Service Rescheduled for September 21 If you are registered for the 4-H/FCS in-service, “All Together Now: Sensory and SEL Tools for Stu-dents with Disabilities” originally scheduled for August, it has…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist As we enter the fall semester, many 4-H agents will be using a Learning Management System – Google Classroom – to integrate seamlessly with those classrooms…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development – Director and State Leader I saw a recent Facebook post where a teacher friend shared comments from a recent in- service training she attended.…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist All, I received another email last Friday from my alma mater – Trevecca Nazarene University – offering another free, remote teaching and learning resource training. This…