Recent events in our nation have caused nervousness and frustration in the hearts and minds of many people. It seems that we can’t look on any social media platform without seeing so much negativity.
Recent events in our nation have caused nervousness and frustration in the hearts and minds of many people. It seems that we can’t look on any social media platform without seeing so much negativity.
Registration is open to all 4-H teens that are interested in attending the 2021 Virtual Healthy Living Summit held Feb 12-15 for approximately 3 hours per day.
Submitted by Vicki Lofty. For Immediate Release – Extension It is exciting when a child successfully manages to prepare a simple dish. Cooking helps youth develop self-confidence and skills. It…
Agents and coaches please submit your articles with results to Ideas for state and national contests.
Tennessee 4-H Shooting Sports is offering a new discipline in hunting with an opportunity to compete at the state and national level!
Dwight Loveday, Interim Director and Statewide 4-H Program Leader Holidays are over and 2020 4-H year is in full swing. Agents and adults have been Face- book posting lots of…
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation 4-H Alumni can be a great asset to county 4-H programs. Do you have an active 4-H alumni in your county you would…
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation The Tennessee 4-H Alumni and Friends will host the fourth annual reunion on Saturday, February 23. The event begins at 10:00 a.m. Central…
Ryan Hensley, Executive Director, TN 4-H Foundation Thank you to all counties that participated in the 2018 Tennessee Farmers Cooperative t-shirt program. Nearly $5,000, was raised for local 4-H programs.…