Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Tennessee 4-H members competed in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships as a member of the Tennessee State 4-H Team. The national competition was held on…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Tennessee 4-H members competed in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships as a member of the Tennessee State 4-H Team. The national competition was held on…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Tennessee 4-H members from Dickson, Williamson, and Rhea counties participated in the Daisy National BB Championships held in Rogers, AR on July 3 – 6, 2019.…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Target Smart Camp has moved to the Fall and it promises to be a great one! We are really excited to offer this camp in a…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist This summer saw 4,715 campers participate in 4-H Summer Camp. Congratulations to the top counties for junior 4-H camp attendance for 2019! They are: Austin 4-H…
As you begin kicking off the new school year with 4-H clubs, check out this resource by Lynne Middleton and Matt McCuiston for Training Effective 4-H Officers.
Joseph Donaldson, Assistant Professor Since 2008, 165,364 Tennessee youth have completed at least 10 hours of instruction in the 4-H Health Rocks! program. Youth in this program have developed attitudes…
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist Madison County is currently the top county in the state in terms of number of Honor Club initiates for 2018. As of June 29, they had…
Tennessee 4-H Roundup and All Star Conference delegates, volunteers, and extension staff – be sure to join the 4-H Roundup Remind so you can stay up to date with Roundup happenings and activities!