The June Dairy Month luncheon is the official kick-off for June Dairy Month and all of the great promotional activities that will happen during the month of June.
The June Dairy Month luncheon is the official kick-off for June Dairy Month and all of the great promotional activities that will happen during the month of June.
The 2021 Tennessee 4-H Project Achievement Day winners were announced in late July at Tennessee 4-H Roundup and All Star Conference and have been posted on the Tennessee 4-H website. These 4-H’ers competed alongside approximately 150 other 4-H members across the state in e-portfolio competition and then interviews to receive top honors. Level I winners received Horizon awards and the opportunity to receive a $500 college scholarship. Level Ii winners received silver bowls, a trip to National 4-H Congress in November and college scholarships.
Scott Reese, 4-H Outdoor Education Specialist Target SMART Camp has a new look. SMART stands for Shotgun, Muzzleloader, Archery, & Rifle Training and this year the adventure will involve all…
Congratulations to three Tennessee 4-H Members!! Daniel Collins, Extension Specialist Congratulations to the following individuals who have been selected to attend the 2022 AgriScience Summit in Bethesda, MD on March 10-13. Hadley Brown…
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist What is a project area guide? Many of us think of project books when we think of how we learned life skills through 4-H…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist Emra Cole is a senior 4-H’er and a member of Washington County 4-H Honor Club and All Stars. She has been a member of 4-H since…
he Tennessee 4-H scholarship selection committee has competed their evaluation of applications submitted for 2021. The following 4-H’ers were selected and recognized at the 2021 Tennessee 4-H Roundup and All Star Conference. Scholarships totaling more than $30,000 were awarded.
Lynne Middleton, Interim State 4-H Curriculum Specialist I’ve enjoyed visiting with agents across the state while trying to develop new lessons and curriculum for our Tennessee 4-H program. I am…