Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist 13 Tennessee 4-H members have won the right to compete in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships as a member of the Tennessee State 4-H Team.…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist 13 Tennessee 4-H members have won the right to compete in the National 4-H Shooting Sports Championships as a member of the Tennessee State 4-H Team.…
Dr. Richard Clark The next two weeks are extremely important for Tennessee 4-H and the overall Extension organization. Dr. Jim Thompson, Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine and Search…
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager MADISON COUNTY MAKES AN IMPACT WITH WALMART GRANTKane Reeves, Extension Agent Recently, myself and one of our 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors participated in the Sigma…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Senior 4-H members have been chosen to serve in a leadership role during 4-H Tar- get Camp, July 4-7, 2017.These 4-H’ers were selected on the basis…
Lori Gallimore, Ed.D., Extension Specialist Complete Your Training before June 28 For those of you have completed SOME, but not ALL modules for B.E.S.T. (either Leg One or Leg Three),…
Carmen Burgos, Extension Specialist The State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl was held on June 2nd in conjunction with the June Dairy Month Kick Off luncheon in Nashville. The Dairy Quiz…
Carmen Burgos, Extension Specialist The State 4-H Meats Judging competition was held Tuesday, June 6 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Participants qualify to compete at the state level by…
Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist The State 4-H Livestock Judging competition was held Tuesday, June 6 at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Teams from across the state judged cattle, sheep and…
Dr. Richard Clark The summer is in full swing and the Tennessee 4-H program is excited to host Junior High 4-H members for the annual Academic Conference at UT-Knoxville. Approximately…