In 2018, there were 574 agricultural fatalities in the US. Those statistics make the agriculture sector one of the most dangerous occupations in the country. Agricenter International has partnered with…
In 2018, there were 574 agricultural fatalities in the US. Those statistics make the agriculture sector one of the most dangerous occupations in the country. Agricenter International has partnered with…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Rutherford County Extension Office in Murfreesboro October 17, 2020 Plans are being formulated to conduct the State 4-H Dairy Products Judging Contest at the Rutherford County…
Scott Reese, Extension Specialist State 4-H Shotgun Fall Jamboree September 12, 2020 Nashville Gun Club, Nashville Participants will shoot 50 targets each: Trap, Skeet, and Sporting Clays. Entry Fee is…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader The past several months have taught us all lots of new ideas and concepts. For some, social distancing stretched us to…
COVID-19 has created an incredible opportunity to showcase how important the 4-H program and Extension as a whole is to a community.
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist As we enter the fall semester, many 4-H agents will be using a Learning Management System – Google Classroom – to integrate seamlessly with those classrooms…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist While many of the state Fall Judging contests have been cancelled for this year due to COVID-19, it has been decided that we will host a…
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist 2020 Tennessee 4-H Junior High Academic UN-Conference Results 81% of 4-H’ers REALLY ENJOYED their academic UN-Conference 70% of 4-Her’s who VERY MUCH enjoyed the daily assignments…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Louisiana has invited Tennessee to take part in a 4-H Virtual Volunteer Conference, on October 9-10, 2020. It is free! Here is some information on the…