Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist The 2017 4-H Electric Camp is scheduled for June 27 -30, 2017. The camp is for 6th and 7th grade 4-H members as of January 1,…
Get Ready for Electric Camp
4-H Curriculum Corner: What are Project Outcomes?
Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor What are project outcomes? As you saw in an email from Marketing and Communications earlier this week, the process of publishing Project Area outcomes has begun.…
Current Grant Projects: Giles County [Food Smart Families]
Shelby Brawner, Extension Assistant/Grant Manager FOOD SMART FAMILIES PROGRAM IN GILES COUNTYDarby Payne, Extension Agent The Giles County Food Smart Families program will be working with a middle school to…
2017 Regional Public Speaking Winners Announced
Lori Gallimore, Extension Specialist Congratulations to the following 4-H’ers for winning the 2017 regional public speaking contests! These 4-H’ers will compete for state honors at 4-H Congress which is scheduled…
Pathways to Deeper Involvement with 4-H
Dr. Richard Clark It’s hard to believe but the end of the school year is rapidly approaching. For many schools spring break is only a week or two away. It’s…
Junior 4-H Camp Theme and Logo
In 2017, 4-Hers will “Follow the Trail.” This is the theme for Tennessee 4-H Junior Camp. The goal of this curriculum is for youth to engage in a journey to…
Summer 4-H Camps Reminder
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Much of the following information was sent previously via email to the Regional Offic- es and previous e-newsletters (Tennessee 4-H Ideas). Junior 4-H Camp – In…
Curriculum Corner: Website Updates
Jennifer Richards, Assistant Professor Website Updates It’s been a busy couple of weeks in the curriculum office! As you may have seen, the project page on the state 4-H website…
Current Grant Projects: Morgan County [Health Rocks!]
Sometimes plans do not go as originally thought out, but we in Morgan County are so excited about the benefits of the HealthRocks! program that we are working on a new plan to establish the HealthRocks! curriculum into our Summer Day Camps.
2017 4-H Horse Bowl, Hippology and Communications Contest Champions
Claudia Baney, Extension Specialist The 2017 Tennessee State 4-H Horse Bowl, Hippology, and Communications Con- tests were held February 24 and 25 at Brehm Animal Science Building on the cam-…