The Beef Council said there was excellent participation in the Savor the Flavor contest this year. The entries had wonderful creativity and you can see for yourself at the links…
The Beef Council said there was excellent participation in the Savor the Flavor contest this year. The entries had wonderful creativity and you can see for yourself at the links…
Create a beef recipe video for a chance to win $150.00! Grades 4-12 can submit a 1-2 minute video, similar to a Tic Toc or Instagram reel. Entries are due…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist Thank you to all the counties that participated in the June Dairy Month Poster contest. Due to your hard work and dedication, 520 posters were created across 22counties!…
Aaron Fisher, Extension Specialist, Youth Livestock and Equine Programs Tennessee Sheep Producers Association (TSPA) is pleased to announce the 2022 Fleece Show will be held at Sheep Expo. Sheep exhibitors…
Callie Smith, Washington County 4-H member, represented Tennessee at the National Make it with Wool (MIWW) competition held in San Diego, CA. Callie was among 21 junior contestants who had…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist The 2022 Dairy Poster Contest theme is “Journey to the Center of the Dairy Farm.” The theme, rules, and guidelines for the contest are listed on…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist The Tennessee Pork Producers, in conjunction with the Wilson County State Fair, is excited to announce a 4-H Country Ham Curing Contest for youth in grades…
Ryan Hensley, Tennessee 4-H Foundation Applications are available for the 2022 TPA scholarships. Last year, 22 students were included as recipients of the almost $40,000 that TPA awarded. Some of the…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader This past weekend I had the opportunity to travel to Cookeville to attend the State Jr. Swine Show where 4-H and FFA…