Tennessee 4-H had 60 individuals in attendance at the Virtual National Summit on Healthy Living held February 12 – February 15, 2021. These individuals were selected through a competitive application process.
Tennessee 4-H had 60 individuals in attendance at the Virtual National Summit on Healthy Living held February 12 – February 15, 2021. These individuals were selected through a competitive application process.
Week 1 Challenge: Re-energize!
This week we challenge you to find new ways to re-energize yourself throughout the day. Get outdoors and feel the sunshine, drink MORE water, move your body every hour, take a tech break one evening and make sure to eat healthy mini meals throughout the day.
Week 4 Challenge: Limber Up!
This week we encourage you to get stretching DAILY! Try a new movement flow, make sure to do at least five minutes of dynamic stretching to warm up before your activity and take some time to properly stretch out after your run! Check out our “Get Your Run On” document on the Trainer Hub for some great stretching ideas!
Tennessee 4-H had 60 individuals in attendance at the Virtual National Summit on Healthy Living held February 12 – February 15, 2021. These individuals were selected through a competitive application process.
Tennessee 4-H had 60 individuals in attendance at the Virtual National Summit on Healthy Living held February 12 – February 15, 2021. These individuals were selected through a competitive application process.
Week 2 Challenge: Build Your Endurance!
This week we challenge you to build your endurance with a long, slow run. Slow down your pace and see how long you can run without having to stop. Each day try to run 1 minute longer than the day before. Try this again at the end of the month and see how much longer you are able to run for.
Tennessee 4-H had 60 individuals in attendance at the Virtual National Summit on Healthy Living held February 12 – February 15, 2021. These individuals were selected through a competitive application process.
Shelby Brawner, Extension Specialist October 21, 2021 at 6 p.m. (EDT) / 5 p.m. (CDT), guest Lauren Woods, family and consumer sciences agent, will be joining us via Zoom to…
Week 2 Challenge: Build Your Endurance!
This week we challenge you to build your endurance with a long, slow run. Slow down your pace and see how long you can run without having to stop. Each day try to run 1 minute longer than the day before. Try this again at the end of the month and see how much longer you are able to run for.