Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader As you may have seen on social media, on Thursday afternoon Governor Lee signed into law SB0203, a bill which will allow 4-H…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Director and State Program Leader As you may have seen on social media, on Thursday afternoon Governor Lee signed into law SB0203, a bill which will allow 4-H…
The state 4-H wildlife judging contest was held in Jackson on June 10. The contest is sponsored by TWRA. The winning team will represent Tennessee at the national event later this summer, which will be virtual.
Challenge: The need for speed
The 100-meter finals are some of the most popular and prestigious events at the summer Olympics. This week we challenge you to get moving QUICKLY! Mark out a 100-meter distance and try doing this sprint 10 times daily, tracking your time. See what your fastest times are by the end of the week. Did you get faster? How close are you to the Olympic records (9.58 for men and 10.49 for women)?
This summer from June 7- August 9, there will be a weekly, healthy living challenge to complete. The challenges are open to all 4-H members in 4th-12th grade.
Enjoy daily, hands-on, healthy living activities you can do this summer to create every day healthy habits.
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Online via Canvas and Zoom Registration & film submissions close July 17, 2020 Visit Film Fest 4H Site FilmFest 4-H is a national film festival for…
Justin Crowe, Director and State 4-H Program Leader Bradley County is currently the top county in the state in terms of number of Honor Club initiates for 2020. As of…
David Merker Ph.D.,CF, Extension Forester UTK Dept of Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries In response to COVID, I have developed a series of You Tube videos called “Back Porch Forestry.” They…
Justin Crowe, 4-H Youth Development Director and State Leader One of the words I keep hearing as it relates to 2020 is flexibility: Schools are being flexible as they are…