January 25, 2021 In this Issue
The Nearpod Think Tank has been working hard to develop templates, training, and other resources that you can utilize in the classroom virtually or in person. Join us for our first Nearpod for beginners 1 hour in-service coming up in February.
This week we want you to fire up your brain and body by thinking “Outside the BOKS”. Our challenge: work with a partner or individually to find creative ways to “sneak” movement into your day. Aim for 30 extra minutes of movement each day this week.
How many times are you asked by your co-workers or friends on a Monday morning, “what did you do this weekend?” During COVID times, it may be, “well, I sat at home…again.” I don’t know about you, but I was ready to get outside, enjoy some fresh air and learn some new skills.
Congratulations and a big THANK YOU to all of the 4-H Dairy Chairpersons who participated in the Southeast Dairy’s June Dairy Month Promotion!
Contest Winners and Participants announced.
Have you ever made the comment, “Never in a million years would I have expected to see this or do that?” I can recall countless times making a similar comment over the years. Well, never in a million years would I have believed that seeing people wear facemasks would become a norm.
Tennessee has been notified that the National 4-H Poultry Judging contents will have significant changes starting with the November 2021 conference. The past national manual sold by the University of Nebraska is no longer applicable to the national contest. The new manual is only available online.
Join members of the ANR Leadership Development Team as they introduce the
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument and help you discover how the ways
you handle conflict affect performance and outcome.
As a participant, you will be introduced to five, basic conflict-handling modes.
You will learn how and when each mode is typically most appropriate and gain insight into how over- or under-using any one mode can create unwanted situations for all.
We have received several scholarship requests already this year, but there are still others who could more than likely use their scholarships for the spring semester. Remember 4-H’ers who have won educational scholarships are eligible to collect them as soon as they have completed a successful semester of post high school work and are enrolled for the next unit of school work.
Links to forms and submission instructions can be found in the full article on the website.