Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist Thank you to all the counties that participated in the June Dairy Month Poster contest. Due to your hard work and dedication, 520 posters were created across 22counties!…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist Thank you to all the counties that participated in the June Dairy Month Poster contest. Due to your hard work and dedication, 520 posters were created across 22counties!…
Jamie Harris, Extension Specialist The 2022 Dairy Poster Contest theme is “Journey to the Center of the Dairy Farm.” The theme, rules, and guidelines for the contest are listed on…
Welcome to the Wizarding World of Dairy Potter! The Southeast United Dairy Industry Association (SUDIA) announced the theme for the 2021 4-H Dairy Poster Contest and yes, I got a little excited when I saw the Harry Potter-themed title! 4-H members are going to love designing a dairy poster with this theme.
Welcome to the Wizarding World of Dairy Potter! The Southeast United Dairy Industry Association (SUDIA) announced the theme for the 2021 4-H Dairy Poster Contest and yes, I got a little excited when I saw the Harry Potter-themed title! 4-H members are going to love designing a dairy poster with this theme.
Congratulations and a big THANK YOU to all of the 4-H Dairy Chairpersons who participated in the Southeast Dairy’s June Dairy Month Promotion!
Contest Winners and Participants announced.
Liz Eckelkamp, Dairy Extension Specialist, Assistant Professor I hope you are all doing well! We’ve got an exciting opportunity starting THIS Wednesday (September 9, 2020 at 12pm EST) that I…
Daniel Sarver, Extension Specialist Rutherford County Extension Office in Murfreesboro October 17, 2020 Plans are being formulated to conduct the State 4-H Dairy Products Judging Contest at the Rutherford County…
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist Click on the announcement below for more information: The Dairy Alliance Poster ContestFebruary 2019 Dear 4-H Extension Agent, It’s time to plan for the June Dairy…
Justin Crowe, Extension Specialist Every Extension agent should have received communication from Denise Jones at The Dairy Alliance regarding June Dairy Month activities. You can find the letter from Denise…